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In today's world you don't buy a brand identity, you live it. Your customers will interpret what your brand means to them by the emotional connection they make with your employees. How do you maintain the culture you want?

There is no way that you can possibly identify and control every touch point that will have an impact on your brand. Therefore, the best way to engage your employees who will then engage your customers is by living the experience you want to create. This creates an environment of trust and builds long-term relationships. It is the secret to success, as stated by Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos, one of the worlds most successful retail companies in North America.

"Marketers often focus too much on trying to figure out how to generate a lot of buzz when really they should be focused on building engagement and trust. I can tell you that my Mom has zero buzz, but when she says something, I listen."

If leadership in your company can communicate well to all of the employees so that everyone understands their part in the big picture, then ...

...your productivity will increase because employees know the value of being efficient,

...your customer service will improve because employees will understand the importance of offering a wow experience every time,

...your employee turnover will decrease as your people discover their job aligns with their life,

...your loyal customers will increase, because they will feel aligned to your philosophy, which your employees communicate with every action,

...your bottom line will increase when those loyal customers return more often, spend more, stay longer and bring in new customers when they share their happiness.


WOW Service Mentor can discuss with you many options to improve your brand identity through maintaining the culture you want. Let us help you manage your culture and your reputation to maximize your success.